Day 222 - Roses and Cake

Today was my first day back at work. It's a hard transition, not because I don't like going to work, and not because I don't like what I do.  It's hard because suddenly I have to consider the thoughts, needs and opinions of people other than the girls and I.  I don't mind doing that, but it requires a mind shift, and that doesn't happen in an instant!

Remember my hacking of the backyard?  It's resulted in some beautiful roses blooming. It's sort of fun to walk outside everyday and see what is blooming.

I really work with wonderful people, today one of my co-workers brought an air compressor to my house to help me blow up my bike tires so I could go on a bike ride with the girls.  Since I still had all those strawberries, I decided I would make something to take into work.  I found a recipe for strawberry upside down cake, and it smelled heavenly when it came out of the oven.  It didn't look very good, but looks aren't everything!

Um, that's not my cake... I did make the cake, and I took pictures of my cake, but somewhere between the camera and the computer, my picture is gone... HUFF... oh well, you get the idea.  And, I never ate a piece of the cake!  So I don't even know how it tasted. But, my co-workers said it was pretty tasty.


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