Day 173 - Hack Attack

After seeing a movie late last night I was unable to fall asleep until the middle of the night. Horror/suspense films and I are not a good combination, and to be honest, the TV show Lost was too suspenseful for me to watch. (In my own defense- the movie is not described very accurately in the press. This was from IMDB, and is not even close to what the movie was about!- "After witnessing a mysterious train crash, a group of friends in the summer of 1979 begin noticing strange happenings going around in their small town, and begin to investigate into the creepy phenomenon." )  But, staying up late, resulted in waking up late, which sort of slowed down the epic pace I had been keeping for the two days previous.  Nevertheless, I still managed to wreak some havoc around the house.

The backyard was causing me a bit of trouble. I am supposed to turn on the sprinklers and water the plants each day  However, the landlady had mentioned that the sprinklers do not reach all of the plants in the yard, and that some of them needed to be watered by hand.  Because I am incredibly lazy, I decided to investigate the sprinkler situation before committing to a nightly watering ritual.

To say the yard was overgrown would have a mild understatement; it was so overgrown that most of the sprinklers were covered by plants... The sprinklers that were exposed had tags from the hardware store still attached that rendered them unable to sprinkle more than three inches...

So I removed the tags, and then decided that it would be a good idea to prune the backyard, I just didn't realize how much pruning I was going to be doing... I filled the green bin for the garbage men and then created a small mountain of trimmings as well.  And guess what? The sprinklers work just fine now, so I won't have to stand around the backyard with a hose.

Update: When I got up Thursday morning there was a note from the garbage man that they would not be taking my yard trimmings unless they were bundled and tied with twine. Sigh.  Update 2: When I got home from running errands,  I found another LARGER yard trimming bin next to my green bin and the pile of trimmings with a note from some incredibly sweet neighbors. They had noticed the city had left the trimmings and lent me their larger bin for the week with an invitation to use it again if needed. (Let's hope I don't have to do that much trimming again soon!)

Of course making a huge gardening mess wasn't all I did. I continued painting my patio furniture margarita green, had a lovely outdoor lunch with a friend and attempted to clean tornado style by moving deliberately from one end of the room to the other; cleaning and organizing anything in my path. And then I went out and had a beverage with a friend a few laughs.


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