Day 193 - From Swimming to Slaw

I had a rough Monday here at the little house. A combination of  a lazy Sunday, a little insomnia, and a small child with leg cramps resulted grand total of 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep for me on Sunday night.  If being exhausted wasn't enough, I also discovered my car had a flat tire so the girls and I got to visit our all time favorite place, the tire store.
After a bummer Monday, we had to have an epic Tuesday. We had lunch buy the pool and then I taught the girls to swim. They have been taking swimming lessons since they were babies, and this summer they figured out how to doggie paddle, so I wasn't starting from zero. But they weren't swimmers and wouldn't leave the shallow end of the pool.  We were in the pool for hours, but they were both swimming by the end of the afternoon.  Teagan got it first, and it took Lydia a little bit longer. That was a bit of an issue until I reminded them that Lydia learned to ride her bike first last summer.  I had to edit the sound out of Teagan's video, because there was a dog howling for his tennis ball that was floating in the pool... 

Then I went on a bit of a cooking spree. First, I made AJ some kettle korn.  

And since I was already in the kitchen, I decided I would try to fix these "little nuts" we had at the house that didn't taste even close to what honey roasted peanuts should taste like. I thought that if I honey roasted them again, maybe they would taste better.  They looked good, they smelled good. They still tasted ucky.  I think the peanuts are bad or something. 

Then, because I had all the stuff I needed for coleslaw in the kitchen, I thought I would make coleslaw.  But, I forgot that I didn't have the bottled dressing that I like, and so I had to make my own...ucky again... I am going to buy my dressing tomorrow. 


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