Cole Slaw for Ulcers and Father's Day

I ended the school year fairly convinced I had developed an ulcer, at least that is what all my web research pointed to.  And, instead of visiting a real doctor, because that seemed like too much trouble (although waking up in the night in pain seemed like a lot of trouble also), I decided to try home remedies.

One of the things that was repeatedly recommended/posted was to eat cabbage and/or pineapple.  I like coleslaw and I like carrot raisin salad, so I decided that I could combine
 them into one dish to settle my stomach.

Because I am lazy, and was in pain while at the grocery store, I picked up the ingredients to make a cole slaw with pineapple, as well as a container of pre-made cole slaw from the deli section. Big mistake. It was possibly the best coleslaw I have ever eaten.  I liked it better than KFC coleslaw, and I think that is pretty tasty.  But, I like my cabbage shredded not minced, and KFC minces their cabbage. 
This deli coleslaw was shredded and tasty, but since I had purchased all the ingredients to make coleslaw, I figured I should commit to the project.

I have made coleslaw dressing in the past, but because I was feeling lazy, I decided to buy my dressing from the refrigerated section in the produce department.  (Why do they keep the fake meat there? It makes no sense).  And for no particular reason, I selcted Lighthouse Bottled Coleslaw dressing.   I bought a bag of shredded cabbage, a bag of shredded carrots, golden raisins and a can of crushed pineapple.

I had all intentions of making the coleslaw, but then Father's Day rolled around and I voluntered to bring my coleslaw along, having never tasted it.  I threw it together at my Dad's house hoping he wouldn't mind that his coleslaw had become a hybrid. He actually loved the salad, but suggested I add peanuts. I figured it couldn't hurt.  When I made it last weekend, I added peanuts.  Here's the final recipe:

Hybrid Coleslaw Carrot Raisin Salad

1 bag shredded cabbage.  Plain or multi-colored.
1 bag shredded carrots
1 small can of crushed pineapple
1/2  jar of refrigerated coleslaw dressing (I have used Lighthouse and Marie's and they taste almost the same).
1 handful of golden raisins
1 handful of peanuts- dry or honey-roasted

Throw it all in a big bowl. Toss it. Let it sit for an hour or so in the frig.  Serve.

I just finished a bowl at 1:45am.   I think it really has helped my stomach, because I am not waking up in the middle of the night anymore. Of course that could be that I am more relaxed because I am on summer vacation, but I am sure the coleslaw has something to do with it. And, people keep telling me how great it is, so I am sharing the recipe, or rather a list of how to open and dump things in the bowl.


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