Day 194 - The 1st one

Apparently  I am allergic/sensitive to chlorine because after spending a few hours in the pool yesterday with the girls,  I felt awful last night. Today I couldn't stop sneezing and had a horrible sinus headache all day long.  And remembered I hate going swimming because I always feel lousy afterwards. Maybe I need to take Sudafed before I get in a pool.

The weather today was not warm enough to go swimming, and I felt crummy, so it was a perfect day to make a dress for Teagan since I had finished 3 for Lydia. She picked the fabric herself months ago and has asked about her dress several times since, but the weather wasn't warm enough for dresses and we were moving, and, and, and, ....

When I was making it, I had her try it on a few times, and each time she stood perfectly still and was very patient about the whole ordeal, whereas Lydia moans and squirms and complains. The third time she tried it on, I complimented her on how still and patient she was being and she looked me straight in the face and said very seriously, "Yes Mommy, because this is the first dress you ever made for me."  And, yes, I felt like the world's biggest flake at that point and hurried up and finished her dress.

Luckily for both of us, it wasn't difficult to complete, and her fabric choice was adorable.  I hope she likes it.


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