Day 269 - Half Well, Half Interested, Half Truths

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I have been sick for 11days; this is the cold from hell. I hope this damn illness is drawing to a close, because it had major impact on my ability to get much of anything done. 

Last night we finished listening to Little House on the Prairie. Tonight we started listening to Half Magic which is probably a wonderful book. However, Lydia and I were still sort of fixated on the Little House story. So while half listening to the story, I was doing some research on what happened to Laura and her family after they abandoned their homestead on the prairie so I could report back to Lydia on what happened next to the family. 

After reading about the Ingalls family, I am not sure what I should tell Lydia and I am extremely glad that Wilder embraced historical fiction and a more rosy view of her life experiences. 

The Ingalls family seemed to have very unfortunate luck. In addition to the extreme wanderlust that Pa had, the family also seemed to be plagued  by disease and physical ailments.  Ma and Pa had 5 children yet only 1 grandchild.  Their only little boy died as an infant, and their oldest daughter Mary lost her vision and never married. Their third child Carrie, was sickly her entire life, didn't marry until she was 41 years old and never had children. The youngest daughter Grace married, but also never had children.  Laura married and had 2 children, but her only son died as an infant.  Her only daughter, Ma and Pa's only grandchild, married and had only 1 child, who also died as an infant.  In addition to Mary's blindness, the women in the family suffered from diabetes, and Laura's husband was paralyzed after getting diphtheria. 

At this point, Lydia's getting some 1/2 truths about Laura. 


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