Day 178 - Micro or Macro?

One of the strange things about the new house is that I am so far away from the girls, I can't hear them when they get up in the morning, which means, I keep getting up well after them. It's lovely to sleep in, but they make some nutty plans in the morning when there's no one to head them off at the pass. This morning when I asked them what they wanted to do, a bike ride was at the top of the list, closely followed by playing some strange game they have invented and I am not allowed to play. I took that to mean that I could make the  schedule for the day as long as we rode bikes at some point.

My new bedding arrived this weekend, but it took me a few days to commit to it. So, I started the day with re-making my bed. I made the girls help me, but Teagan mostly jumped around asking if we were done yet, and Lydia only pretended to pull up the sheets and covers. When I discovered the lumps she told me just to smooth them out with my hand... um, yea. Yesterday I saw this cute lampshade at Target, which made me decide I would be keeping the bedding. The fact that the lampshade was $3.24 might have played a part...

That chandelier in my room doesn't really lend itself to flexible design decisions, but I am hoping that the juxtaposition of the formal and informal works. Sure. Regardless, I like the new bedding and the new bed and for the moment the chandelier is somewhat comical. And, as a friend pointed out this weekend, if I decide to throw a dinner party in my bedroom, I'm all ready to go.

I'm on a huge organizing jag right now, which sounds ridiculous since unpacking sort of necessitates organization.  But I am micro-focused at this point, like sorting my cleaning products micro-focused.  One of my surprise projects today was organizing the garage after lunch. It wasn't on my radar when I woke up, but it seemed like a great idea once I started. My micro-focus in the garage was dedicated to deciding how to store the Christmas decorations for greatest ease of access...I rearranged it 3 times, because that was a great use of time. Teagan was taking a nap, so Lydia stared at me while I moved bins and boxes and offered helpful advice like, "Um, I think you already moved that bin." Yea, thanks Lydia. I think part of the issue is that I have 8 boxes left to unpack and I have no idea what to do with the contents. I did breakdown a ton of empty boxes, and hung a rack to organize all of the gardening tools, so it wasn't a total waste of time or effort. 

While the girls were eating dinner, I started rearranging the dishes and china cabinet, much to their annoyance, because I was piling dishes around them while they were eating at the table. I still have a way to go, but things are slowly starting to look like I am actually living here and not camping... 

Oh! We did go on a bike ride, right after Teagan woke up from her surprise nap. I need air in my tires. I guess I have to buy a pump.


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