Day 176 - New roommates

After a whole week at summer camp, my girls came home today.  I can't believe how much I missed them and I am tempted to never let them leave my sight again...but they are going to camp again in 4 weeks.

We came home with two new residents, a pair of lovely Siamese cats.  They used to live at my Gramma's house, but have claimed their new throne at our house. Teagan has all kinds of plans about how and where she is going to play with them. The girls and I love them, they make me smile, but I am not sure that everyone else feels the same way about them.  They are quite reminescient of that pair of evil cats from Lady and the Tramp! Remember that little song??

Today, after bringing home the cats, I had a little help hanging up pictures in my living room and I am amazed at how different the room looks when you hang pictures, or someone hangs them for you! And, I had a few friends over to enjoy my new patio furniture and enjoy some of those delicious Lynchburg Lemonades, which now that I think about it, are the same color as margaritas!


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