Day 170 - Ideas Swirling

Today, in a fit of exhaustion from the move, the vacation and the concert, I spent most of the day reading, watching TV and thinking about what I would be doing when I had some more energy. Tomorrow the girls are off to camp for a week,  (Aside: I always wanted to go to sleep away camp as a child, but never had the chance. I even missed science camp because I changed schools in 6th grade. The school I left went to camp in 6th grade, but the school I moved to had already gone in 5th grade. Sigh...) so I have a lot of time on my hands ahead of me. 

I have a few projects in mind. First of all, there is the bistro set I am excited to paint, the pair of shoes I want to paint, a Minnie Mouse bathroom to put together, a few more boxes to unpack, a little table in the garage to paint, and the dining room chairs project inspired by the post on BetterAfter. I saw some fabric at Ikea that I think will be perfect for the project, I just have to figure out what color to paint the chairs. I have a lot of painting to do... 

The book I am reading is quite odd. It's a non-fiction collection of vignettes by Sloane Crosley, a New Yorker with a strange sort of mental deficiency and intelligence that renders her unable to do things like follow directions or tell time on an analog clock. It's been quite entertaining. 



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