Day 108- Waiting for a good home

The pillow is finished, done, completed. Threads clipped, backing ironed, seam stitched. Now it just has to be delivered.

I started it as a gift. Two and a half years ago. A gift I thought I would finish in six weeks. But life takes us places we don't or can't anticipate, and so my gift spent time languishing in the dark, patiently waiting for some attention. And each time I rescued it, it seemed to spring to life again. It's funny how some projects can spark interest again, and while others become more burdensome.

I just read an article about the Zeigarnik Effect, which is the idea that if you start a project, you are more likely to finish it. Or, in my words: that which you do not complete will haunt you until it is finished, whispering from those dark cupboards, "why haven't you finished me? have you forgotten me? why don't you work on me?" in very urgent and sometimes irritating tones.

So, now the pillow sits patiently perched on my sofa, waiting for a ride to its new home. Part of me feels an attachment to the pillow since we have had this long relationship and yet I know it's not mine.


Acadian_jl said...

It looks really nice :) Great work!!

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