Day 109- A lemonade dress

Tonight the girls and I went on a wild goose chase to find supplies for the Daisy scout meeting tomorrow night.  In my attempts to purchase supplies on the cheap, we visited not 1, but 2, discount stores and found nothing that we needed. I am not a big fan of large disorganized stores, so I wasn't thrilled.

However, the fabric store was nearby our 2nd stop, so we went inside to see if there was anything that would work.  Not only did we find exactly what we were looking for, but it was on sale!  UGH....

While we were at the fabric store, I told Lydia that she could pick out some fabric for another new dress.  My deal with the girls is that Lydia gets the first 3 dresses, and then Teagan can pick material.  Lydia found a pretty yellow and said it would make a perfect lemonade dress. (I am assuming she is referring to the color and not the beverage, but who knows. )  Then she decided that an orange would be a perfect color for the ruffle. Since questioning her fabric selections last time, I have learned my lesson and will be making her a lemonade dress with orange ruffle and I am sure it will be adorable.


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