Day 315 - Veterans and Librarians

Veteran's Day!  My little brother Peter,  is a USMC veteran, and the girls and I very proud of him.

This morning I flew to Pasadena to attend the CLA/CSLA conference. That's alphabet soup for "I hung out with librarians."  While this raised eyebrows among my students, and seems to alarm a good many non-librarians I encounter, I rather like hanging with librarians. I can think of many worse ways to entertain yourself than being surrounded by people who really, really like information and tend to know lots of obscure facts, and don't find my own collection of obscure facts in the least bit strange. That's probably a stretch, but I can dream... And, I have a close friend that lives in Orange County and happened to be working close to Pasadena on Friday night, so we got to hang out. Win-Win!


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