Day 242 - Rushing Around

I think I need to learn to apparate. Since there are very few fireplaces in the locales I frequent, the floo network probably wouldn't be the best option (however, there is a fireplace in the room right next to my office, so getting from home to work could be an option...), and on weeks like this, I needed a faster way to get around.  I have so many trainings, meetings, events and obligations this week, I am not sure I will make it to my 3 day weekend in 1 piece.  Today, at work I rushed from meeting to meeting and then rushed from work to get my haircut. I hate rushing to get my haircut, because I like to enjoy my visits to the salon.

I used to dread getting my hair cut because I have had some very strange hair stylists, who have attempted to do some very strange things to my hair. Thankfully I now look forward to getting my hair cut because my stylist is funny, friendly, engaging, and she's a twin, who shares stories about growing up as a twin with me. But best of all, she's really good at cutting my hair. Even when she suggests something that seems dicey, (like bangs!), it turns out to be a good idea. If I could just apparate from my desk to the salon, it would be perfect. But of course after rushing to my appointment, I had to rush out of the salon to get to my next appointment of the day, the girls' back to school night.

Back to school night is not as fun as one would hope. It's really hard to condense the experience and dynamic of the classroom into a twenty minute presentation, particularly when there are no children in the room.  Adults just don't respond the same way as 1st graders, even if they are sitting in little chairs. I've been paperless in my own classroom for the last 3 years, so I am shocked by the amount of paper that is sent home with each of my children.  I said last year I was going to keep all of the handouts to see how much paper was sent home over the course of the year, but I can't stomach keeping all of it laying around for an entire school year. Tonight was no different, I came home with 2 big huge stacks of paper, many of them duplicates, which I recycled immediately.


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