Day 232 - Surprise! We're camping!

We went to Kim's house for dinner and a playdate today. After supper Charles took all the kids outside to play while Kim and I chatted inside.  Imagine our surprise when we went out front to tell the kids it was time for us to go and found Charles putting up a tent!  Apparently they kids has asked Charles to build them a fort, which he did, but as it got later, they started complaining it was cold.  Instead of sending them inside, he decided it would be more fun to put up a tent in the front yard and let them play in that.   So, instead of heading home, we all sat in camping chairs under blankets on the driveway, while the kids played and watched a movie inside the tent.  Not exactly a horrible way to send a summer's evening, but I requested a campfire for any future front yard camping.


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