Day 142 - Bobby Flay's for the win...

This morning I made 4 of  Bobby Flay's biscuits, yes only 4.  I figured that if they weren't good, it would be easier to throw them out if there were only a few of them, and after my other biscuit attempts, I didnt' have much faith.

While they aren't perfect they certainly looked and tasted better than the disasters I made earlier this week. I'm getting closer though, these were flaky on the outside and moist on the inside, but they will still need revisiting.

I don't know why I was surprised, since I am fairly enamored of Mr. Flay, I've been trying to convince someone to help me make a la caja china after seeing Bobby's Cuban Throwdown but so far I have no takers. I am sure I could probably get the box built, it's the roasting a pig part I am needing help on.


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