Day 112- Gold Lashes

Today was a very exciting day and because I knew I had such an exciting day ahead of me, I decided it would be great day to wear my new pair of false eyelashes.

I started with a librarian's lunch with 2 other librarian types from SLIS.  I love getting to talk about education, books, employment.  And of course we had a few laughs and good Mexican food.

I visited the foot spa for a little pampering before I went to pick up my new cell phone.  While waiting for my phone to be activated, one of the employees left work on a borrowed motorcycle. He tried to pop a wheelie and managed to crash before leaving the parking lot. Luckily he wasn't injured badly.

After getting my phone back, I headed to Livermore to go camping for three hours. Okay, so maybe I wasn't actually camping, but I was at a campsite, I ate outdoors and I roasted a marshmallow. And I did all of it wearing gold false eyelashes.


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