It's a little crazy at my little house. Between the puzzle on the dining table, the stacks of Girl Scout cookies needing to be sold and delivered, and the transformation of my living room into a sweatshop for Spirit Week costumes, things have started to come apart at the seams. Don't forget about last week's debacle with my car registration in the recycling bin...
What I found on my ottoman sort of sums it all up: A empty gift bag, a paper plate, take out napkins, and my travel mouse. I have no idea how or why any of them are on my ottoman, or why my mouse is being served on a paper plate.

What I found on my ottoman sort of sums it all up: A empty gift bag, a paper plate, take out napkins, and my travel mouse. I have no idea how or why any of them are on my ottoman, or why my mouse is being served on a paper plate.

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