Day 26- You can't keep a good one down

The weather has been unbelievably beautiful for the last few days. I feel like it justifies the how ridiculously cold it was a few weeks ago, but I know it's going to get cold again.  Logical thought patterns about the weather clearly do not apply to the camellias growing outside my front door.  I love those camellias. 

I love them because they bright and beautiful; a vibrant color of hot pink, a color that I can't resist.

I love them because they remind me of my grandparents, who always had camellias growing in their yard when I was little.

And I love them because of their history here at this house. 

When I moved into this house, there were 2 lavender bushes on either side of the door. Now, I love lavender as much as the next person, but I am not really a fan of bees, and bees LOVE lavender.   When you plant lavender next to the door of your home, you are basically inviting bees to fly inside. 

Not wanting to encourage the bees, I decided I would remove the lavender bushes by brute force and discovered a camellia bush languishing beneath one of the lavender bushes.  Clearly, a small run-in with a lavender bush was not going to be the end of this camellia which after a few years was hearty and thriving. 
Metaphors abound...


Julie said...

Love the camellias! Mine that are blooming are all white, still pretty, but I prefer the brighter colors.

Jeni Bowen said...

metaphors abound... Love this, and love YOU!

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