Day 253 - Walk, Wines and Willow Den

It was a great Saturday. After friends, art and nonsense on Friday night, I didn't know if Saturday could measure up, clearly I shouldn't have been concerned.

This morning after brunch I took a very exciting history walk through downtown San Jose, with some friends.  Seriously, it was very exciting. I'm a librarian, so I get excited about those types of things, and my friends needed some fresh air, so it was a win-win.

And then this evening, I went with friends to UnWined, where my friend is working as a manager for live music and wine.Well, I didn't drink wine, but my friends said the wine was very tasty.

And then after wine tasting, we ventured to Willow Den, a fine establishment located between a scrap metal yard and a tattoo parlor. But, we weren't there for the ambiance, we were there to hear my friend's band play. The music was great, as usual, and a good time had by all.


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