Day 207 - Soap and Water

 I was poking around on the Explore tab of Google Reader the other day, and ran across this article about what happens when you put Ivory bar soap in the microwave. Aside: By the way,  Google Reader is a testament to the awesomeness of Google, since GReader pulls articles from blogs it THINKS you might be interested in reading based on your previous reading habits and finds you all kinds of neat stuff.

I knew I would have to try the soap thing because 1. I like to put things in the microwave and see what happens, and 2. I knew the girls would like it too. So, we loaded up the car and headed for Target. Unfortunately we didn't really want to purchase 10 bars of Ivory soap, so we left Target soapless.  This was a good thing though, because our trip to Walgreens resulted in other soap related treasures. 

When we got home, we sawed the bar of soap in half and put it in a pie pan and turned on the microwave. It turns into a weird foamy expanse of soap that you can't help but touch. It's not foamy though, it's more like puff pastry. We put it on a plate and stuck it in our mermaid bathroom because it looks like sea foam.

Our other soap related find were the bubble blowers we had last year, and somehow lost during the packing/moving process. They make a gazillion bubbles but don't require batteries, so they are a big hit at our house.

After playing with soap and bubbles, the girls decided it was time for a swim. I can't believe how much their swimming has improved in the past 2 weeks. We have gone from not leaving the steps to jumping in and diving to retrieve pool sticks. It's crazy!


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