Day 159 - Pack 'em up, Move 'em out

While my powers of denial are strong, those of my friends are not, and so tonight two friends showed up with packing boxes and packing tape in hand to forcibly encourage me to pack. It was force that was needed.
The idea of making that mess, a mess that will sit as a mess for several days, then move to a new house to sit as another mess, is to be honest quite frightening. I worry that I will lose what I need, will never have the willpower to actually unpack it, or worst yet find a lot of ghost of Christmases, birthdays, family times past that honestly, I don't really want to see.

 So, with much trepidation, and much whining and complaining, I bent to their will and packed and packed and packed. I felt like those people on hoarders, that need to touch everything before it leaves their house, because while my friends were able to simply pack boxes, I needed to process and touch and decide.  Lots and lots of processing.


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