Day 122- A little basil

I don't understand how we always seem to be running out of food because I feel like we are buying food all the time. Yet no sooner than I have purchased milk and Eggos, we are out of milk and Eggos.  
I am not a big fan of food shopping. I don't usually feel very inspired by the grocery store. For as organized as it appears to be, I find it completely disorganized when trying to purchase food to prepare a meal. I go around in circles as I try to remember what is shelved where, feeling like I am on a treasure hunt for ingredients.
Lately, we've been shopping at Fresh and Easy, the tiny grocery store that just opened down the street, which means the circles are smaller than those I would make at Safeway.

After Lydia ran over Teagan's ankle with the cart, I was forced to carry Teagan, who from her new vantage point spotted pizza dough in the deli section. Moments later, they had decided we were going to be making pizzas.  (Cue the music as we went around in circles looking for tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, pesto and basil). I couldn't find the basil initially, because it's sold as a little plant, that you are instructed to water daily and pull leaves from as needed. I love it. Wonder how long before I kill it.


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