Day 6- Ammonia Cookies

Jødekager Cookies- Round 4??  My favorite Christmas cookies are a Danish cookie made with baker's ammonia.  My Gramma would make dozens and dozens, but only at Christmas time. They are light and crispy with almonds and cinnamon sugar on top.

 This year, I made these cookies three separate times, but they just weren't right.  They were a little too puffy, not crisp enough, they were just wrong.

But, today is the Epiphany, so Christmas really isn't over, and I tried it again.  My Gramma used to mix everything by hand so I decided to use the bread hook on the stand mixer instead of the mixing paddle in hopes that I could get the consistency of the cookies closer...

They won't ever be Gramma's cookies, but they are pretty damn close.  I have already eaten 6.


Rob Lyons said...

Those cookies look pretty darn good to me. The same thing happens to me every St Patrick's Day when I try to replicate my Grandmother's soda bread. It's inevitable that we'll be eating soda bread well into April again this year until I get it just right.

bcahrens said...

Gramma's have a knack for making the best of anything. Of course I always forget that they also had many more years of practice behind them. I love soda bread!

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