Two years ago I tore my ACL skiing. It was a fortunate injury in that it happened on a fabulous day of skiing, (followed by another great day of skiing), I had no pain and didn't actually know it was torn for a month.
It was unfortunate in that my response to surgery was less than stellar, and it took me almost a full year to recover from the procedure.
Today was my first chance to try out my new ligament skiing (my own, not a cadaver). I wore my knee brace and wasn't overly agressive, but it was still exhilarating and reminded me why I love the sport. The speed, the beauty, the fun is not what you encounter on a daily basis, and leaves you yearning for more.
I can't wait to ski again. The girls took lessons, and I can't wait to be able to ski with them. I look forward to skiing for years and years to come.
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